To mutually discover a secret world that they have denied themselves all their lives is a ritual like the secret unlocking of the door to the magical room.
In Twiligh’s Kiss /Suk Suk(which means Uncle Uncle) the two protagonists are what they are: two old men belatedly discovering the pleasures of homosexuality.Ĭonsidering their age their coming out may not only seem delayed but also unnecessary and irrelevant to us. Most of the mainstream gay films have uncommonly good-looking protagonists(e.g Armie Hammer and Timothee Chalamet in Call Me by Your Name, Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan in Ammonite). Nonetheless it is laudable while it lasts. However in a classic interpretation of the flesh being strong but the spirit being weak, the narrative, so audacious and elegant to begin with, ends off in whimper wintry send-off that leaves the relationship dangling in midair. This much talked-about film promises a lot more than it delivers.To begin with, the theme of two elderly men coming out of the closet in their twilight years, is emboldened by the director’s firm resolve to see the unconventional relationship to its logical end. Twilight’s Kiss(Original Title Suk Suk, in Cantonese)